Life Saving Eye Exams
Olivia Rodriquez, a 22 year old Anaheim resident, complained about headaches, blackouts, nausea & dizziness for the last year. She was told to reduce her stress levels by doctors.
Over time, she also developed double vision. This was because her eye would turn in. The result: impaired driving. Her optic nerves were discovered to be swollen with a visit to her optometrist, Dr. Carlos Green. She had a plum sized brain aneurysm. Brain surgery corrected the problem and she is living a normal life again.
Our tests can reveal a multitude of systemic disease such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and brain tumors. This is a shock to many people but something we see weekly.
James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
Agape Learning & Optometry Center
Thousand Oaks, CA