Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vision & Special Needs Kids

Kids with special needs can have a myriad of vision problems.  We are proud to have the capability, equipment and expertise to diagnose and treat these difficulties.

Developmental disorders arise in some stage of a child's development.  They are often grouped into:
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)
    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
              Autism (39% of ASD)
              Asperger Syndrome (14% of ASD)
    PDD-Not Otherwise Specified, NOS (32% of ASD)
         Rett Syndrome
         Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)
  • Specific Developmental Disorders (SDD)
    Specific Learning Disabilities
         Developmental Coordination Disorders
I came across a very nice blog today written by Pat Wyman (  She wrote an excellent piece on how optometric vision therapy can help reading problems in autism.  I believe you will find her article very informative.  Access it by clicking HERE. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Visual Difficulties after Brain Injury (Video)

Vision problems are among the most common problems associated with acquired brain injuries.   Causes of brain injury can include trauma, auto accidents, suffocation, drug reaction and strokes.  Initially symptoms may be subtle but often become more of a concern with time. Specific problems can include poor memory, disorientation, loss of reading skills or poor word recall.

Common visual symptoms after brain injury include:
  • Double vision
  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • Attention or concentration difficulties
  • Staring behavior (low blink rate)
  • Spatial disorientation
  • Lose place when reading
  • Can't find beginning of next line when reading
  • Comprehension problems when reading
  • Visual memory problems
  • Pulling away from objects when they are brought close
Unfortunately conventional ophthalmological treatment for these difficulties is many times limited.  I have seen a number of patients told to cover one eye with a patch if they have double vision!!  Others with slow reading speed have been told to get books on tape!!  Some with attention and concentration difficulties are told to just accept it.

These difficulties can often be helped through the use of specialized lenses/prisms and/or optometric vision therapy.  If you have concerns for yourself or a relative, give me a call so we can discuss it further.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA

Friday, August 5, 2011

Vision Exams For Kids!! (Video)

Betsy Cowand, a kindergarten teacher from West Shore Elementary in Tampa, Florida & Dr. Larry Lampert, a developmental optometrist from Boca Raton, Florida are interviewed  by Danielle Knox (Lifetime TV) about children's vision & eye exams.

Over 80% of learning comes through the visual system.  Almost 25% of children have a undetected vision problem that affects learning.  Vision screenings at school and the pediatrician's office are missing visual skill checks with areas of processing that are crucial for learning.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Optometric Sports Vision Therapy & Ice Hockey

This is a very nice interview from WBFO-FM 88.7 NPR radio in Buffalo, New York.  A developmental optometrist (Dr. Mark Gordon) is credited with helping extend the career of a goalie with the Tampa Bay Lightning.  His name is Dwayne Roloson and he feels optometric sports vision therapy is one of the main reasons he has been able to play into his 40's.

"I've been with him 12, 13 years, working with him," says Roloson. "We've tried to keep it quiet because we were going to write a book about it and bring it out later once I retired, but I keep on - because of a lot of his eye stuff that we're doing - I've been able to keep playing. So I think now, I think it's great for him to be able to get some recognition and knowledge for the success that I've had."

"If you're doing well as an athlete, and you find the goose that laid the golden egg, if you find your Holy Grail, if you find the thing that gives you the winning edge, you might not want to share that with your competition," says Dr. Gordon. "And that's what we see going on in offices like mine who do a lot of work with athletes, especially at such a high level."

The interview can be found by clicking HERE.

I have found that optometric sports vision therapy can be very effective for not only hockey goalies but also soccer, field hockey and lacrosse goalies.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Letter & Number Reversals - Dyslexia? (COVD White Paper)

Problems of letter and number reversals in children have concerned parents and educators for many years.  Some have considered reversals as a symptom of dyslexia.  More commonly reversals reflect a lag in spatial development. Most research has shown there is no structural or medical basis for these reversals. Although reversals are common and expected in five to six year old children, they may persist through childhood.  Some adults may even continue to manifest these problems.

For many years, scientists have studied children with reversal problems, particularly regarding orientation to right and left as related to their own bodies (laterality), and to objects around them (directionality). At three, or even younger, the child should have grasped the concept of top and bottom, and right side up or upside down (even though still looking at books upside down). The four year old is grappling with front and back, and may still put a shirt on backward.  Many four year olds show reversals as they put on shoes by themselves.  Some four to five year olds may start printing numbers and letters from right to left.  At these ages, this is a normal stage of developing orientation in children.

Although most children master this concept of directionality by age seven, this confusion in orientation may continue, in some people, all their life.  Reversals are a manifestation of a developmental lag in the process of orientation.  They are indicative of an underlying problem in the integration of the vestibular and visual systems in the brain.  Rote repetition of learning to write letters and numbers correctly or rotely learning right and left hands may help us pass a test, but it does not solve the problem of the underlying causative factor of delayed orientation development.

The development of orientation starts in the prenatal period with the attitudinal reflexes which help the fetus orient in utero.  This development continues through varied learned experiences in our lives.  Interferences in movement activities involving vision and neuromotor relationships limit the development of orientation. According to the neuroscientist J.D. French, orientation contributes in an important way to the highest mental processes--the focusing of attention, and the ability to think, to learn, and to act.

Specific optometric vision therapy, including the unique application of lenses and prisms during visual-neuromotor activities (movement with awareness and feedback), provides learning experiences to improve the development of laterality, directionality and orientation, and the related problems of reversals.  When a child learns to orient easily, the evidence points to a well integrated and effectively operating person.

Members of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) are optometrists who have demonstrated interest in the problems and remediation of reversals. Fellows of the College are certified in the diagnosis and treatment of learning related vision problems. For further information, contact COVD or consult with a COVD member optometrist.

This informational paper was produced by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, which board certifies qualified optometric physicians in vision therapy. For further information, see our website, WP5 Rev 1/2/08 ©2008

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cataract Symptoms

Cloudy/milky vision with a cataract
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in people 55 and older.  You should be aware of the symptoms of cataracts, for the sake of your vision or a relative/friend.

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye and they tend to ‘grow’ gradually, so changes in vision may not be noticeable at first.

Symptoms of cataracts may include:
• “Cloudy” vision
• Sensitivity to bright sunlight
• “Halos” appear around headlights at night
• Colors appear faded

The most common cataracts are age-related.  By age 80, almost half the population either has a cataract or has had a cataract surgically removed.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common forms of surgery, but surgery is not the first option for anyone with a cataract.

Some of the symptoms of cataracts can be managed in the early stages with Polaroid sunglasses or iZon eyeglasses with anti-reflective lenses.  Others can be helped with homeopathic eye drops.  When the cataract interferes with daily activities such as reading or driving, it’s time to consider surgery.

As with any eye disease, early detection and treatment are the keys to successful management of cataracts.  The first step is a comprehensive eye examination annually, especially for persons over 60 years of age.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Infant, Toddler & Preschool Vision Testing - Part 2

Children typically do not receive a comprehensive vision exam before entering school.  The brief pediatrician exam does NOT count.  It is estimated (Indiana University) that only 14% of children under age 6 are likely to have a comprehensive vision exam and only 31% of kids between 6 and 16 are likely to have an exam.

A recent retrospective study of comprehensive pediatric eye examinations reported the following as the most common disorders in children between 6 months and 18 years:
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia - eyestrain at near): 24.8%
  • Astigmatism (eyestrain at distance & near):  22.5%
  • Nearsightedness (myopia - distance blur):  18.2%
  • Subtle binocular disorders (ie: convergence insufficiency):  14.3%
  • Overt binocular disorders (ie: strabismus - crossed eye):  12.1%
  • Lazy eye (amblyopia - reduced sight in one eye):  7.1%
Photoscreening a young patient
Due to these problems it is imperative that children have a comprehensive vision exam.  These exams are often much different than those for adults.  Technology has enabled exams to occur with all ages.  Photoscreening is done in our office to provide objective results by the use of digital ocular images.  It is supported by recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Preferential looking utilizes automatic brain reflexes in looking at closely spaced lined targets versus blank screens.  The brain will always look at targets if they can be seen.  Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) testing gives information about how well a moving target is seen.  Differences between the eyes can also be indicative of strabismus.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Infant, Toddler & Preschool Vision Testing

Everyone knows the earlier a problem can be identified the more successful will be the outcome.  That is why dental and medical exams are required before going to school.  Despite this understanding, the visual system is often forgotten.  It is the most important system for learning (most researchers indicate 75-80% of learning occurs via the visual system), yet most children do not have a formal visual examination until they are school age.  Due to this lack of care, children often adapt to the level of vision they have.  Parents often never suspect a problem, even a serious one.
Obvious problems such as strabismus (crossed or wall eye) are usually identified by your pediatrician.   However there are too many cases of lazy eye that are NOT detected by pediatrcian screenings.  Many of these problems also are not identified with school screenings.  This results in parents feeling secure that all is fine from a visual perspective.  NOT TRUE!!  The reality is approximately one child in every classroom suffers from lazy eye and associated learning difficulties such a problems with reading comprehension.

InfantSEE® can be the answer for a number of these kids.  This is a national program administered by the American Optometric Association.  It was originally started in partnership with Jimmy Carter.  A one-time, comprehensive eye assessment is provided to infants in their first year of life at no cost regardless of income.  Click on InfantSEE® for further information.  Call us to schedule an exam for your baby.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dry, Scratchy Eyes

We have all felt the occasional dry eye - a gritty and/or sandy feeling.  A burning or sticky feeling is common, as are watery eyes.  Some folks experience these symptoms on a daily basis.  This can be a big problem for them.  It can also result in vision changes that can be devastating because of corneal inflammation and infection.  That is why it is very important to let me know if you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis.

Dr. John Warren has put together a very nice slide show on this topic.  Click on the link to watch and learn about dry eye.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA

Friday, July 22, 2011

How Close Do You Hold Your Smart Phone?

The explosion of smart phone sales are resulting in many visual complaints.  Reading texts and Internet pages with the phone is often done at much closer distances than reading a book.  The implication is more eye strain, fatigue and headache if this activity is done for longer periods of time.

A recent study published in the American Academy of Optometry indicated lens prescriptions will need to be altered for these problems.  Problems can result because of close reading distances and font sizes associated with the smart phone.

Study Findings
The average font size with a smart phone was comparable to that of newspaper print with text messages.  However Internet page fonts were smaller.  The average reading distance (working distance) with text messages was 36 centimeters and 32 centimeters with Internet page viewing.  This compares to an average of 40 centimeters with book reading.  The difference can result in eyestrain and headaches, especially for those over age 40.

It is important to let me know if you are having eye strain or headache with smart phone viewing.  If so, I can prescribe lenses which optimize your sight at the distance commonly viewed.  This prescription can be a big help for these types of problems.

--James B. Mayer, O.D., F.C.O.V.D.
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA

Monday, July 18, 2011

Great activity for Sports Vision Therapy

There are a number of important visual skills for success in basketball.  I have reviewed many of them in past blogs.  As I was surfing the web today I came across this article which describes a wonderful activity for the development of:
  1. Peripheral vision awareness
  2. Eye hand coordination
  3. Visual timing
  4. Visual tracking
Check out this link to read about the description of this activity.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
    Agape Learning & Optometry Center
    Thousand Oaks, CA

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Evaporative Dry Eye & LipiFlow

Scratchy, burning, sandy, gritty are ways that many describe dry eye.  Vision can also be variable from this problem.  Approximately 65% of these problems are do to the tears evaporating from the eye too quickly.  The problem for these folks has to do with the meibomian gland production of oil for the tears.  The glands become plugged and the oil concentration in the eye reduces.  Tears evaporate quickly and this process causes many difficulties as noted above.

The current treatment for this problem involves artificial tears containing oil and lid massage with warm compress.  Generally this can work reasonably well but the treatment can be cumbersome.

Enter a new procedure just approved by the F.D.A. but not in eyecare offices yet
Lipiflow warms and massages the eyelids, melts the obstructive material clogging the glands and clears the blockage without damage to glands or other delicate structures of the eye.  It’s a 12-minute per eye procedure performed in a doctor’s office.  Opening the blocked eyelid glands allows the body to resume the natural production of lipids (oils) needed for the tear film.

For the first time, the LipiFlow’s single-use eyepiece allows controlled application of warmth and massage to the eyelids, treating the affected meibomian glands in the upper and lower lids simultaneously. The device is designed to facilitate removal of the meibomian gland blockage without damage to glands or negative impact to delicate structures of the eye.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Diabetes & Eyes

As you know the incidence of diabetes is growing out of control.  One in three children born today will face it in their lifetime if current trends continue.  One in four people who currently have it don't know about it yet. 

You may not know how diabetes can rip apart your vision in many different ways.  It is the #1 cause of blindness in adults.  You also may not know that as a California licensed optometrist I am responsible for diagnosing the health of your eyes.  This means, as it relates to diabetes, that I am responsible for recognizing and diagnosing the effects of this disease on your visual system.

Most have heard of "sugar cataracts."  These are a complication of diabetes.  The crystaline lens within the eye becomes hazy and results in blurred vision.  I work with the best cataract surgeons to remove these opacities.

Diabetic retinopathy is another potential complication.  This results in bleeding witthin the eye(s).  Left alone it will cause loss of sight.  Fortunately by teaming with retinal surgeons this complication can be reduced and/or eliminated with early detection.

Inflammation of the cornea, ocular muscles and optic nerve are additional signs of diabetes.  Early treatment can minimize these problems.

Another diabetes complication is glaucoma.  Blood leakage can occur within the eye forcing up eye pressure.  This can also result in loss of vision.

Bottom line - keep your blood sugars in the normal range (symptoms CAN be excessive thirst and urination).  However studies indicate that blood sugar is difficult to sense.  Have yearly physicals with bloodwork (diabetes is often combined with high cholesterol and high blood pressure).  Be sure to have your eyes checked yearly - dilation of the pupils is important to detect subtle problems combined with photography of the tissues.

--James B. Mayer, O.D., F.C.O.V.D.
     Thousand Oaks, CA

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back To School Eye Exams

SOME STATS . . . .
Can you believe that 50% of all kids in the U.S. have never received a comprehensive vision exam???  Many have vision problems that have never been addressed.  Some have eye health issues.  Others have visual skill deficits such a tracking or convergence difficulties.  This is especially troubling because 80% of what kids learn come through their eyes.  Problems can impact school performance.  In fact, 25% of kids have a problem which interferes with their learning.

Did you know that many kids diagnosed with ADHD or ADD actually have vision problems?  Attention and concentration can improve tremendously with a eye exam!!  CAVEAT - I always do tests for tracking and convergence - others don't.  Vision screenings at school and the pediatrician are especially poor.  I have parents tell me routinely their child passed the school screening despite having problems with tracking and/or convergence.

FREQUENCY . . . . . .
Eyes are as important as teeth, especially with academics!!  Be sure to have yearly eye exams.  They provide peace of mind in our hectic society.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tips For Choosing Kids Glasses


Do your kids need help picking out a new pair of glasses?
Do you need help in helping them?
You're in luck. This crash course in kids' eyewear is just for you.

Shape of Eyeglass Frame
As you probably already know, even kids like to look their best. Shapes that create a "balanced" oval face can help them do just that. You'll want to avoid frames that mimic the shape of your child's face--so, no square frames for square faces, round frames for round faces, etc.

What if you're not sure of the shape?
Ask!!--we're pros at this sort of thing.  But if you want to figure it out on your own, try to picture a dot on either side of your child's brow, cheek, and jaw.  Then, visually connect the dots.  For a really sure fire method, physically draw the same dots on a photograph.  Or, have your child stand in front of the bathroom mirror as you trace his or her outline in soap (this way is the most fun!).

As a general rule of thumb, kids age 2-5 look best in round and oval frames.

Looking to downplay:

Close-set eyes?
Choose frames with a simple bridge color and dramatic temple (side-arm) color.

A long nose?
Select a low-set bridge.

A short nose?
Select a high-set bridge. The top of the frame should follow the brow, without blocking facial expressions.

The frame's width should always match the width of your child's head.

Too many colors to choose from? Use this as a guide:

Here's some eyewear extras that take frames from good to great:

Strap Bridges
If your little one has high cheekbones and a wider, flatter nose, a strap bridge will reduce pressure on the sinus, septum, and developing bones by distributing the frame's weight evenly over a wide area.

Cable Temples
Cable temples are perfect for smaller or younger children (particularly up to 3 years old) because they are soft on the ears and hard to pull off.
Cable temples are also great for active older children who need to keep their glasses from sliding off during sports or play, or for kids who spend alot of time working on the computer.

Spring Hinges
Spring hinges let frames expand as kids grow-getting rid of unwanted pressure that can cause headaches. They resist bending when glasses are taken off with only one hand (something even grown-ups do), so they're more durable too. The payoff? Fewer visits for adjustments.

Gooseneck Nose-Pad Arms
Gooseneck nose-pad arms are easier to adjust than regular nose-pad arms, making it easier to fit the frame to the nose without chafing. They're particularly important for setting the position of bifocal lenses and for fitting very young kids.

PVC Nose Pads
Unlike silicone used on adult frames, PVC nose pads are hypoallergenic and won't cause irritation.

Sun Clip-Ons
Children's eyes need extra protection from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Clips do the job for less than a separate pair of prescription sunglasses.

Storage Cases
Good children's eyewear always comes with a storage case. "If it's not on your face, it's in the case." Remember this rhyme and frames will stay like new.

In the end, it's all about what your child likes. Kids get the final say.

Thanks to for help with this.
James B. Mayer, O.D., F.C.O.V.D.
Agape Learning & Optometry Center

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ultraviolet Light - is it good or bad?

Excessive exposure to the sun can result in great pleasure and heartache.  Sun rays include ultraviolet light.  Did you know that we need some ultraviolet everyday?  Too much or too little can be a problem.  Many are shocked that any sun exposure can be good for us.  They condemn the sun for a number of health problems.  However moderate amounts of ultraviolet light exposure can provide many health benefits.

Skin cancer and sunburn are associated with too much ultraviolet.  Skin melanoma results when our DNA is damaged from the sun.  Ultraviolet can accelerate aging of the skin.  Unfortunately, some of the earlier sunscreen lotions with PABA were found to be cancer-causing when exposed to ultraviolet.  The new lotions are more protective.

Snow blindness can occur from too much ultraviolet exposure while skiing or in the snow for extended periods when the sun is out.  Prolonged exposure results in inflammation of the front of the eye (cornea), pink eye (conjunctivitis), and cataracts (cloudiness of the inside eye).

Sunlight plays an important role in the synthesis of vitamin D.  Cholesterol in our skin is converted to pre-vitamin D.  Pre-vitamin D is changed to vitamin D by the normal heat of the body.  Blood carries vitamin D to the liver and kidney.  Vitamin D is necessary for absorption of calcium in the intestines.  Calcium is necessary for nerve function and helps prevent osteoporosis.

Therefore UV radiation reduces cholesterol.  Cholesterol concentration in the skin is higher than in most other organs.  When the cholesterol in the skin is converted to pre-vitamin D, the cholesterol lost is replaced by cholesterol in the blood.  Cholesterol moves back and forth between the skin and bloodstream.

Exposure to ultraviolet also results in lower blood pressure.  This is usually between 6-8mm Hg according to various studies.  In fact, sun therapy was often used by physicians before blood pressure medications were developed.

As in most things, moderation is the key with ultraviolet light exposure.  Too much can cause skin cancer, cataracts and snow blindness.  Our blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, however, can be improved with exposure to ultraviolet light.  Enjoy the sun when you can but be careful with overexposure.

---James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
    Agape Learning & Optometry Center
    Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

Friday, March 11, 2011

Vision & Learning: COVD White Paper

Research has demonstrated that vision is a contributing factor to an individual’s ability to attend and respond to classroom instruction. A major portion of what we learn is taken in through the visual system.

There are many aspects of vision which might affect an individual’s abilities to attend and respond to teacher instruction.  It is well known that nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism, all of which can result in blurred vision or eye strain, relate to performance in the classroom. 

However, individuals may have focusing problems which do not allow them to rapidly change focus from book to chalkboard and vice versa. 

They may have difficulty using both eyes together.  This dysfunction can require excess effort to overcome and may interfere with visual information processing.

Also, an individual may have difficulty controlling eye movements. This could result in loss of place when reading, frequent guessing of words, need for the use of the finger to maintain one’s place, or other more subtle difficulties.

Visual information processing problems may result in children being overwhelmed the day they start school.  The academic curriculum is designed on the assumption that children possess certain visual information processing abilities, as well as other skills, at certain chronological ages. In other words, is the child visually ready for school?  The child who has not developed the required level of skill may have difficulty from "day one".  These difficulties might manifest themselves as problems in reading, writing, mathematics, spelling, thinking, sports endeavors, playground activities, and even the social relationships children have with their siblings and peers.

Individuals manifesting visual problems associated with learning problems may benefit from the use of lenses and prisms for both the prevention and remediation of these visual problems. Other visual problems might best be remediated by optometric vision therapy.  This includes the application of lenses and prisms in conjunction with procedures to provide the individual with strategies which will aid in the development of adequate visual performance.

There are numerous research and clinical studies demonstrating the effectiveness of optometric vision therapy for treating problems in the functioning of the visual system.  There are also numerous case reports supporting specific diagnoses and treatment plans.  Studies have also demonstrated visual deficiencies and visual information processing deficits in older individuals, supporting the fact that children do not simply outgrow these deficits.

Members of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) have post graduate education in vision and learning. Fellows of the College are certified in the diagnosis and treatment of learning related vision problems. For further information contact COVD or consult with your COVD optometrist.

This informational paper was produced by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, which board certifies qualified optometric physicians in vision therapy. For further information, see our website,

I have attained Fellowship status in COVD.  The initials after OD (Doctor of Optometry), FCOVD indicate Fellow in the College of Optometrists in Vision Development.  There are approximately 500 Fellows in the world that have completed the written and oral requirements.  Give me a call with any questions.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
   Agape Learning & Optometry Center
   Thousand Oaks, CA   91360
   (805)495 3937

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

KABC-TV Channel 7 Is it ADD or a Vision Problem?

In 2010, 4.5 million U.S.children were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).  That is approximately 7% of all the children in the U.S.  A new study out of Michigan indicates that over 1 million of these kids may actually have a vision problem which is being wrongly diagnosed as ADD. 

Kids with learning problems will often have these types of developmental vision problems.  These kids can often see quite well (20/20) but have problems with eye coordination, tracking or processing.  On the surface it appears as if they have ADD but these subtle vision problems are the real deficit.

I can perform the sensitive developmental vision testing needed to diagnose these problems.  Give me a call with questions.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
   Agape Learning & Optometry Center
   Thousand Oaks, CA  91360
   (805)495 3937

Monday, March 7, 2011

ADHD? Poor concentration? (video)

More than 1 million children may be misdiagnosed as ADHD!!  This news video comes from Minnesota.  Dr. Lori Mowbray demonstrates some optometric in-office vision therapy procedures used in the treatment of convergence insufficiency (CI). 

If this sounds like your child, give us a call.  There is no reason to suffer with this problem when it can be fixed relatively easily.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
   Agape Learning & Optometry Center
   Thousand Oaks, CA  91360
   (805)495 3937

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slow reading speed? Loss of concentration?

Studies from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutue of Health indicate approximately 5% of the school population has a condition called Convergence Insufficiency (CI).  That means for a local school district like ours, there will be approximately 1000 children with CI.  Treatment is based on symptoms.  The most common symptoms are:
     1) Slow reading speed
     2) Loss of place when reading
     3) Loss of concentration when reading
     4) Eye strain
     5) Headaches
     6) Blurry vision
     7) Double vision

If your child does have CI, in-office optometric vision therapy has been proven to provide the highest success rate.  In order to pinpoint the problem, give us a call.

--James B. Mayer, OD, FCOVD
     Agape Learning & Optometry Center
     Thousand Oaks, CA  91360
     (805) 495 3937